Loch Lomond Community Real Estate Owners Association

The Loch Lomond Swimming Pool, built in 1946 is the oldest continually operating Olympic sized pool in California and has been a social gathering place for generations. Dedicated LLCREOA volunteers work hard every Spring to complete major work so the pool can open each summer.
The Pool is scheduled to open everyday beginning on Friday, June 16th and will close for the season after September 4th.
Loch Lomond Swimming Pool 2023
Season Pass (up to 8 people) $350
Season Pass (up to 4 people) $275
Daily Pass Adult $10
Daily Pass Children 12 and under $5
Daily Pass Child 6 and under Free
June 16th - September 4th
Monday - Thursday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Friday - Sunday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
NOW Pay with Zelle !
We are pleased to announce that we will now be taking payments for membership and pool passes via Zelle. Zelle is a quick, easy, and secure way to send money from Bank to Bank. Pull up Zelle in your mobile banking app, then scan this QR code. Enter the amount you are paying and note your name and what your payment is for on the memo line. I.E., “8-person pass”, or “2023 membership”.