Loch Lomond Community Real Estate Owners Association

Loch Lomond Firewise
Help protect our homes and community
Loch Lomond Community Members/Loch Lomond Firewise Program:
As a designated NFPA Firewise Community, we have a reporting requirement to capture all hours/time and cost associated with addressing our fire risks in Loch Lomond. This would include personal time in cleaning up around your home, clearing your roof, maintaining defensible space, raking leaves/debris and removing vegetation within all ignition zones. We also need to capture any cost associated with hardening your home, such as new vents, double pane windows as well as any arborist/ tree removal/trimming cost. This would include personal time as well as contractor fees. The attached form is designed to capture all needed time/cost and is self-explanatory. We appreciate everyone’s support in completing the form below and either scan it and return to lochlomondcommunityfirewise@gmail.com and/or mail it to Michael Peterson, 710 Costa Rica Ave. San Mateo, Ca, 94402. Thank you for your support and assistance. Please return the completed form by October 15th, so we have ample time to complete the reporting requirement. Any questions, please reach out to us.
Thank you, Loch Lomond Firewise Committee.
Please print, then fill out the
Firewise Volunteer Hourly Worksheet
then Email it to:
or mail it to:
Michael Peterson,